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Blessing and Healing Technique

Sajit S Pillai

Modern science has shown that everything in the universe is composed of energy, and that the apparent differentiation between solids, liquids, gases, sound, and light is merely a difference in their vibratory rates.

Similarly, the world’s great religions state that all created things originate in the cosmic vibratory energy of Aum or Amen, the Word or Holy Ghost.

By concentration and will power , we can consciously increase the body’s supply of cosmic energy ( AUM) , which can be directed to any body part; or it can be released again into space through the sensitive antenna of the fingertips, to flow as a healing force to those in need — even if they are thousands of miles away.

Step 1 :

Visualize , in front of you , the person , family or group of people including you .

Raise your both palms in blessing condition towards them at your chest height .

Mentally repeat the words as follows :

" Heavenly Father, Mother, Friend, Beloved God , all the Healing Angels and Holy Angels , Healing Minsters , all the Saints and Sages of all religions , my beloved Guru Mahavatar Babaji, all the Archangels, all the Light Beings, all the Nature Spirits , we Invite and Invoke you all , to bless these people . Let us all bless them with your infinite Divine love, Divine joy , Divine bliss, Divine happiness, Divine peace , Divine Harmonization , Divine Healing, Divine Compassion, Divine Forgiveness , Divine Mercy , Divine Help, Divine Guidance , Divine Protection , with Good Health and Wealth, Abundance , Prosperity, Services, Good Will , Brotherhood, with Divine Spirituality, Divine Knowledge, Divine Wisdom, Divine Light , Godliness , let the Kingdom of God be established , Bless them all...... So be it ......So be it .......In Full Faith ".

Continue pouring the Blessings & Energies on them, for at least 2/3 minutes .

Step 2 :

Now with eyes closed, pray as follows:

~ Pray : "Heavenly Father, Thou art omnipresent; Thou art in all Thy children; manifest Thy healing presence in their bodies."

Keeping the eyes closed, briskly rub your hands together (palms facing) for ten to twenty seconds. At the same time, concentrate deeply on the cosmic energy flowing into your body through the medulla oblongata and going into your arms and hands. You will feel warmth and tingling in the arms and hands as that healing energy gathers there. Now, raise your hands outstretched in front of you to about the height of the forehead, and chant Aum. Simultaneously with the chanting of Aum, gradually lower your hands in front of you until they rest at your sides. As you do so, mentally feel that the healing vibrations are flowing out of your hands to those in need of healing.

~ Pray : "Heavenly Father, Thou art omnipresent; Thou art in all Thy children; manifest Thy healing presence in their minds."

Rotate your hands (in a forward motion) rapidly around each other. Your hands soon will become filled with cosmic energy. Concentrate on the cosmic energy entering the medulla oblongata and flowing into the hands. Continue rotating the hands for ten to twenty seconds. Now, raise your hands outstretched in front of you to about the height of the forehead, and chant Aum. Slowly lower your outstretched arms, all the while visualizing the healing vibration flowing from your hands to those for whom you are praying.

~ Pray: "Heavenly Father, Thou art omnipresent; Thou art in all Thy children; manifest Thy healing presence in their souls."

(Repeat the technique of rubbing the hands together and chanting Aum, as described in point 1 above.)

~ With upraised hands, chant Aum once more, sending healing vibrations of peace and harmony to all the world


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